Today we will take a closer look on how to run python in your webpage under windows operating system. Let's assume you have installed xampp in your windows operating system and have python program installed as well. If you have not done so, then go on to installed xampp in your computer together with python program. Remember to select software version compactible to your computer.
When you are ready with these two software, then copy the code below:
Hello world!
") print ("Welcome to my first python webpage
") print ("") print ("")Although after following the above tutorials you will still see error message from apache server, that was because we did not configure server to run your python page. Now it's time to configure your server so that it recognize your python script. To configure your server so that it will run your python script, take the following steps: navigate to C:\xampp\apache\conf you will see a configuration file httpd.conf now open that file in notepad. Scroll from up to down slowly, locate a lines with below example:
You have successfully deployed python webbase application in your computer today. While following this tutorials if you get struck anywhere don't hesitate to contact me, I'm here to help.The best thing on earth that I do is writing a code sharing it with people, sharing my coffee with people as well. Thank you.